How to Let Go of Love

Gordana Ilić Holen
3 min readFeb 24, 2023


You should travel
To the White Coast
(You’ll need white)
Roam through its White Hill City
(Necesitarás blanco)
Look at its white soil, white rocks
The city’s white houses
(In all the shades of white)
Let your mind go blank
(En todos los tonos de blanco)

Every day you need to go
Down to the shore
Make sure that the sea
(Always the same, always different)
Holds onto the sky
(Siempre igual, siempre diferente)
For when you let go
This world has to go on
(You’ll need it for later)

When you see it from
The corner of your eye
You need to stop
See a ficus tree
For the first time
Impossibly broad
See that it tries to hold
The earth with its roots
Hold the sun with its crown

Walk the city
Look for other trees
Broad tall strong
See that they can hold
The earth with their roots
Hold the sun with their crowns
(It’s hard work)
You need many ficus trees
Broad tall strong
To hold this one earth
To hold this one sun
(Es un trabajo duro)
For when you let go
The world has to go on
(Lo necesitarás para más tarde)

Walk the city
Think of a book you’ve read
About a world
That doesn’t know of rain

When you have found
Enough trees
Broad tall strong
To be sure the sun is in safe hands
(Safe crowns)
The earth is in safe hands
(Safe roots)
When you have seen that the sea
(Always the same, always different)
Keeps its grip on the sky
(Siempre igual, siempre diferente)

When you are sure
This world will go on
Then you can let go

With your mind blank
(In all the shades of white)
It’s easier to find your heart
(Finding the heart is always tricky)
Listen to it very carefully
(Escuchar el corazón siempre es complicado)
And find in it
The exact rhythm
The exact sound
Of rain dripping
On thick green leaves
Of rain pattering
On the surface of the sea
A downpour drenching
Thirsty white soil
In a world
That does not know of rain

When you attune
Your heart
To that exact rhythm
To that exact sound
That’s when you can
Make it stop
That’s when you can
Let go of love

You did it!
Now you
Have to
Keep going
One day
And another

In the world
Within you
There’s a crack
Between the sea
And the sky
In the world
Within you
The mighty roots
Are struggling
To hold onto
The slippery earth
The crowns
Fumbling after
The restless

You know that the sky
Will tear away from the sea
That the roots
Will lose the grip
The mighty trees
For what holds a world
But love?

But that’s just
The world inside you

The world outside goes on
The roots firmly gripping the earth
The crowns holding the sun
The sky still fitting snugly
With the sea
The world outside is doing fine

You’ll be fine too
In the time it takes
For the sea
To tempt back the sky
For a tree
To grow again
You’ll be fine too

You can wait in this world
For the time being
Hide in this world for a while
Acurrúcate y escóndete por un momento
Por un momento

Alicante, Costa Blanca, February 2023



Gordana Ilić Holen
Gordana Ilić Holen

Written by Gordana Ilić Holen

I write at times, about nothing much important, because I enjoy it.

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